why does vaping make me dizzy

Why Does Vaping Make Me Dizzy?

In recent years, vaping has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional smoking, with many people turning to e-cigarettes for various reasons. However, an often-reported side effect among vapers, particularly those new to the practice, is a sensation of dizziness. This article delves into the reasons behind this dizziness, how long it typically lasts and provides insights on how to stop feeling dizzy after vaping. Feel free to visit our vape shop for more details. 

Understanding the Causes of Dizziness from Vaping

To comprehend why vaping can make you feel dizzy, it’s essential to look at the components of the e-liquid and the physiological effects of inhaling its vapor. The primary culprit is usually nicotine, a known stimulant found in most e-liquids. When inhaled, nicotine can cause a rapid increase in blood pressure and heart rate, leading to temporary dizziness. This sensation is particularly noticeable in individuals who are new to vaping or those who use e-liquids with higher nicotine concentrations.

Another factor to consider is the act of inhaling itself. Deep or rapid inhaling can lead to decreased carbon dioxide levels in the blood, a condition known as hyperventilation, which can also cause dizziness.

How Long Does Dizziness Last After Vaping?

The duration of dizziness after vaping varies from person to person. This sensation is short-lived for most individuals, typically lasting a few minutes. The duration can be influenced by several factors, including the nicotine strength of the e-liquid, the frequency of vaping, and the individual’s sensitivity to nicotine. The dizziness dissipates as the body metabolizes the nicotine, and the effects wear off.

Comparing Vaping Dizziness with Traditional Smoking

The phenomenon of dizziness is not exclusive to vaping; it is also a common experience for traditional cigarette smokers, especially among novices. However, the underlying causes and characteristics of dizziness in vaping and smoking can differ significantly.

In traditional smoking, dizziness primarily stems from the inhalation of carbon monoxide and other toxic substances found in cigarette smoke. These chemicals reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, leading to reduced oxygen supply to the brain and resultant dizziness. Additionally, the immediate hit of nicotine from smoking a cigarette can cause a rapid increase in heart rate and blood pressure, leading to a light-headed feeling. This effect is often more pronounced in individuals new to smoking or those who smoke infrequently.

Vaping, on the other hand, involves inhaling vaporized e-liquid, which typically contains nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and flavorings. The dizziness experienced by vapers is mostly attributed to nicotine intake. Unlike the smoke from cigarettes, vape vapor does not contain carbon monoxide or an array of other toxic combustion products. Therefore, the dizziness from vaping is usually less about oxygen deprivation and more about the body’s reaction to nicotine, particularly in high doses or in individuals with sensitivity to it.

Another critical difference lies in the method of inhalation. Vaping allows for more control over the amount of substance inhaled, which means users can regulate their nicotine intake more precisely than with cigarettes. This control can potentially reduce the likelihood of dizziness if used correctly.

Moreover, the onset of dizziness in vaping is often related to the adjustment period as one transitions from smoking to vaping. As the body acclimatizes to the different nicotine delivery systems of vaping, the incidence of dizziness may decrease over time.

In summary, while both vaping and traditional smoking can cause dizziness, the causes and dynamics of this symptom vary between the two. Understanding these differences is key for individuals looking to manage or avoid dizziness while using these products.

How to Stop Feeling Dizzy After Vaping

If you’re experiencing dizziness after vaping, there are several strategies you can adopt to alleviate the sensation:

  • Reduce Nicotine Strength: Switching to an e-liquid with a lower nicotine concentration can significantly reduce the intensity and frequency of dizziness.
  • Change Vaping Techniques: Avoid taking deep or rapid drags. Instead, opt for shorter and more gentle inhales.
  • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate the effects of nicotine. Drinking plenty of water can help mitigate dizziness.
  • Take Breaks: If you find yourself feeling dizzy, pause your vaping session and give your body time to adjust.

Does Vaping Make You Dizzy?

The short answer is yes, vaping can make you dizzy, but it’s not a universal experience. The sensation of dizziness is primarily linked to nicotine intake and individual sensitivity. Those who vape without nicotine or use lower concentrations are less likely to experience dizziness.

The Importance of Proper Vaping Technique

Mastering the proper vaping technique is crucial in mitigating the risk of dizziness and enhancing the overall experience. Unlike traditional smoking, where the draw is typically deep and direct, vaping requires a more nuanced approach. Firstly, it’s essential to understand the importance of a gentle inhale. Forceful or overly deep inhalations can lead to a rapid intake of nicotine and other substances, potentially causing a spike in blood pressure and subsequent dizziness. Therefore, taking slower, measured puffs is advisable.

Additionally, how you hold the vapor in your lungs can play a role. Holding it in for too long can lead to excessive absorption of nicotine. A brief pause, just enough to allow the absorption of nicotine in moderation, is recommended before exhaling. This technique not only reduces the risk of dizziness but also improves the absorption efficiency of nicotine.

Moreover, proper device maintenance and correct settings are also a part of effective vaping techniques. Using the right temperature and power settings for your e-liquid can make a significant difference. Too high a temperature can lead to overheating and potentially increase the intensity of the vapor, which in turn might contribute to dizziness. Adhering to these guidelines ensures a smoother and more enjoyable vaping experience.

How to Stop Dizziness from Vaping: Best Preventive Measures

To prevent dizziness from vaping, consider the following tips:

  • Choose the Right Nicotine Level: Start with a lower nicotine concentration if you’re new to vaping or sensitive to nicotine.
  • Adjust Vaping Habits: Monitor how often and how deeply you inhale while vaping.
  • Check Your Equipment: The vaping device can sometimes contribute to the problem. Ensure your vape functions correctly and is set to an appropriate temperature and power level.
  • Monitor Your Health: If you frequently experience dizziness, it might be a sign to reevaluate your vaping habits or consult a healthcare professional.


While vaping is a popular smoking alternative, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects like dizziness. Understanding the causes and knowing how to manage them can enhance your vaping experience, making it safer and more enjoyable. Remember, if dizziness persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s advisable to seek medical advice.